ABRA group pursues acquisitions to become the 100% owner of INEKON SYSTEMS

The ABRA group is proceeding with its acquisitions and has become the 100% owner of INEKON SYSTEMS

The ABRA group, which was formed by the merger of ABRA Software, the market leader in corporate information systems, with the Elvaston Capital investment group, has newly added INEKON SYSTEMS into its group. This company is successful and well-known namely in the area of support for corporate planning, controlling, reporting and the entire field of BI.

“We strive to connect top companies with strong teams and leaders who want to join forces to create added value through top software solutions and successfully establish themselves in the Western markets together as a supplier of comprehensive solutions. And Inekon Systems is one such company”, said Jaroslav Řasa, chairman of the ABRA Software board of directors, adding: „What has impressed us most about Inekon Systems was how they approach the development of their product. Their goal is not only to develop another tool for reporting, but most importantly to offer top managers the opportunity to connect the company‘s visions and goals with their actual performance and to provide them with a tool that can evaluate whether individual steps really are the right way towards their fulfilment. This is quite unique. We are therefore pleased to say that Inekon Systems will provide a fitting addition to the product portfolio of ABRA‘s information systems and further expand our professional services in this area.“ In addition, both companies share the same values, develop complementary products, and the merger thus offers the opportunity to enrich each other in many areas ranging from technology and products to business processes and human resources.

“The vision of INEKON SYSTEMS has been and continues to be helping companies navigate towards excellent results with the help of better planning, more effective controlling and advanced analyses. Each of our customers is a leading company in their respective fields and we are very proud of the results they achieve with the help of our support. The Business Navigation System solution was a result of this cooperation, when each of our consultants and developers provided something unique for the resulting product, together with hundreds of users on the side of our customers. That‘s why BNS feels so personal, and why we often hear during the first presentation that our solution is exactly what the companies need, or that it provides them with what they already have but in a better and more transparent form,“ said Jan Hušek, executive director of INEKON SYSTEMS, adding: „I am convinced that as part of the ABRA group with a strong owner behind us, we will be able to further develop our products together to the satisfaction of all our customers. I am happy that we have found a partner in the ABRA group with whom we share common values and goals and look forward to our future successes.“

Jaroslav Řasa concluded: „We continue to look for other successful companies that share an interest in the expansion of Czech IT products to the West. If we work together, we can really succeed in these markets.“

About ABRA Software a.s.:

ABRA develops leading-edge modern information systems for companies of all sizes and specializations. Significant clients include Průša Research, ESET, Hama, Liftago, KB-Blok, Petrof, Dobrý Anděl, Yves Rocher, Gutta, Saint Gobain, Knihy Dobrovský, Twisto and others. The company is represented in Slovakia and Switzerland. More information is available at www.abra.eu

About INEKON SYSTEMS s.r.o.:

INEKON SYSTEMS is the holder of Business Navigation methodological concepts and develops the BNS product, which is used by its customers such as Agro CS, Budějovický Budvar, ČEPRO, Česká zbrojovka, CS Cargo, DEK, Druchema, ESA Logistika, Komterm, Kovárna VIVA, LINET, MADETA, MALL.CZ, MEOPTA, MONDI, MP Krásno, STÁTNÍ TISKÁRNA CENIN, SHP Harmanec and others. As part of data visualization with the support of TABLEAU and Power BI, we take care of companies such as Zetor, Komerční banka, Home Credit, Hello bank!, Banka CREDITAS, CRIF and others. More information is available at www.bnavig.cz

Contact for media:

Monika Vondráková, Brand Director ABRA Software, monika.vondrakova@abra.eu, tel: +420 603 803 390.